Robby Asshiddiqie

S.H (University of Indonesia) – M.Si (Indonesia Defense University) | Partner

Robby completed his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, and obtained a Master’s degree in Total Defense Strategy at the Indonesian Defense University. Robby is a corporate legal consultant who helps clients resolve legal issues regarding agreement negotiations, business transactions, licensing, labor issues, and corporate litigation.

His work experience includes representing Unilever Oleochemical Indonesia, one of the world’s largest oleochemical company. Apart from Unilever, he has been trusted to represent other reputable companies such as Aruna Nuswantara Jaya, Maharani Prima, and Kasmar Mining Group. Robby is a member and holding several key positions in various national organizations such as the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN), the Indonesian Cooperatives Board (Dewan Koperasi Indonesia), Indonesian Farmers Association (HKTI) and the Indonesian Equestrian Sports Association.

He also headed one of the departments in Indonesia Advocates Association (PERADI – Rumah Bersama Advokat). His credentials have created him not only in-depth practical legal knowledge but also a strong network of peers.