Jakarta High Court Ruled in Favor of Dalton Tanonaka

Notice of legal decisions from our clients, Dalton Tanonaka who was acquitted by Jakarta High Court in 2018. Mr. Tanonaka was represented by Togi Pangaribuan and Aristo Pangaribuan. See the notice of legal decision below. http://www.theindonesiachannel.com/news/read/68/notice-of-legal-decision

Two financial company directors convicted less than the prosecutor’s request

Two Cakrabuana Sukses Indonesia directors, represented by Aristo Pangaribuan, were convicted for seven years imprisonment at Sumber District Court, Cirebon in 2017. The original request from the prosecutor is ten years imprisonment. See the story published by local news below for more details. https://detikkasus.com/dua-petinggi-csi-di-vonis-7-tahun-dan-denda-12-milyar/

Aristo Pangaribuan’s client, La Nyalla acquitted

In 2016, Aristo Pangaribuan’s client, the former chief of Indonesia National Football Association (PSSI) was acquitted from corruption charges in Central Jakarta District Court. See the news published by CNN Indonesia below https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20161227160104-12-182414/hakim-pengadilan-tipikor-vonis-bebas-la-nyalla